Mir Nasir Hossain was born on 1st February 1951 in a respectable Muslim Family of Faridpur. After completion of his Master Degree from Dhaka University he joined his family business Mir Akhter Hossain Ltd. Mir Akhter Hossain Ltd. was founded by his father Mir Akeb Hossain in 1968, under the leadership of Mir Nasir Hossain now Mir Akhter Hossain Ltd. has become one of the reputed Construction Companies of Bangladesh. He is holding the posts of Managing Director, Mir Akhter Hossain Ltd., Mir Telecom Ltd., Mir Ceramic Ltd., Mir Holdings Ltd., Global Fair Communications Ltd. (GFCL), Bangla Telecom Ltd. & Mir LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Ltd., Chairman of Coloasia (Data Centre), Director of Eastern Bank Ltd. (EBL) and Advisor of Agrani Insurance Co. Ltd.
He is the Former President, The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FBCCI), Former President, Faridpur Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI), Immediate Past Senior Vice President, South Asian Association of Regional Co-Operation (SAARC), Past District Governor, Lions Clubs International District 315A1, Bangladesh, Past Council Chairman, Lions Club International Multiple District 315, Bangladesh, Ex-President, Hospital Management Committee, Bangladesh Lions Eye Hospital Institute, President, Faridpur Diabetic Association & Chairman Governing Body of Faridpur Diabetic Association Medical College, Life member of Red Crescent Society, Dr. Zahid Memorial Shishu Hospital, Faridpur and various Orphanages, Bangladesh Lions Foundation etc., Bangladesh Diabetic Association. Mr. Nasir has been awarded with National Export Trophies for 2012-2013, 2013-14 & 2016-2017 respectively in the Gold Category in Service Sector and he was declared as Commercially Important Person (CIP) (Export) several times.
Address & contact Nos. of Mr. Nasir are House - 16, Road - 68, Gulshan-2, Dhaka & Red Crescent Borak Tower (Level-4, 7 & 10), 37/3/A Eskaton Garden, Ramna, Dhaka & Contact - Phone: (Office) +8802 55138529, 55138532-35 (Residence) 9840821, 9858512, Cell: 01711521828, Fax: 55138530-31, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Website:www.mirakhter.net,www.mirceramic.com