Parvez Karim Abbasi
Research Fellow

Mr. Parvez Karim Abbasi is a Research Fellow at Centre for Governance Studies (CGS).Mr. Abbasi, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He had completed M.A. in Economics from York University, Toronto, Canada, 2004- 2005 on a full scholarship and did his B. S. in Economics from North South University during 1999-2003. Mr. Abbasi’s research interests primarily lies in the area of Geopolitics, Geo-economics, Political Economy and Energy Security, with special emphasis on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS). He uses inter disciplinary approach consisting of Economics, History, Political Science, International Relations, and Sociology to analyze complex, multilayered sociopolitical and economic issues with domestic and international relevance. He has published multiple academic articles in both local as well as international peer-reviewed journals. He also has attended and presented papers at local as well as international conferences, seminars and roundtables. His most recent academic journal article is" Economic Drivers Shaping Bangladesh as a Trading State: The Relevance of Geopolitical Neutrality" published in the Journal of Governance, Security & Development, Volume 2. Number 2. January 2022. Mr. Abbasi occasionally writes op-eds and columns for English language publications in Dhaka which has been favorably received both at home and abroad. Some of his most recent articles include “Pondering the Palashi parable”on26 February 2023 in the Long Form segment of Dhaka Tribune and “The Art of War of Hyder Ali & Tipu Sultan –Lessons for Small States in the Era of the New Great Game” on the 20 March 2022 issue of The Security World.
Mr. Abbasi is a member of the Strategic Studies Network of the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, a US Department of Defense (DoD) regional center focused on enhancing security cooperation between the U.S. and the NESA region. He had attended the 2016 Annual SSN Conference in Ankara, Turkey, March 31-April 3 2016, where he presented a paper on “Emerging Economic trends in NESA region” and gave an expert interview on the topic of “Balkanization of Middle East-A 21st Century reality?”. He has also presented a paper “China in South Asia: A Geo-economic Analysis, A Brave New World” at the International Conference on The 1st Forum in China-India-Pakistan International Cooperation under the Framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization organized by Center for China- India- Pakistan Studies, of Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, China in Zigong, 24-26 October 2019.Furthermore, he has Presented a paper BRI & South Asia-An Economic Analysis” at the International Conference on ‘Belt and Road Initiative and Indo-Pacific Strategy: Opportunities and Challenges.” organized jointly by The Pathfinder Foundation, Sri Lanka and National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS), China in Colombo,13 January 2020.He also presented a paper “China-Bangladesh Relations and the Quest for Economic Equiproximity” at International Conference on “Understanding China” organized by Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE) via webinar, 16 August 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal. He also participated both as a speaker and a moderator in the two international conferences of ‘Bay of Bengal Conversation’ in Dhaka, during 2022 and 2023. Furthermore, he was also the sole Bangladeshi expert to present a paper “Bangladesh: Economic Growth Prospects and Foreign Relations" at the business and economics seminar organized jointly by the South Korean Embassy Dhaka, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency Bangladesh Branch (KOTRA Dhaka) and Korean Investors and Traders Association in Dhaka, 3rd March 2024. On 24th April 2024, he presented a paper "Road to Prosperity: The Future of China Bangladesh Trade Cooperation at the first session of the 7th China(Yunnan) Bangladesh Cooperation Dialogue International Conference at Kunming, Yunnan, Chinajointly organized by The Development Research Center of Yunnan (YNDRC)Provincial People's Government and Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies(BIPSS).
Mr. Abbasi was invited by the National Defence College Bangladesh, to deliver lecture at the National Defence Course 2022 and Armed Forces War Course 2022 and 2023.He also regularly gives lectures at the Development Administration Course for BCS Administration cadre officers in National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD) institute of Ministry of Planning on topics such as Economic Growth vs. Economic Development, Alternate Development Models, Economy of Health and Education in Bangladesh etc.
He has also worked as a consultant for IFC-BICF on the Bangladesh Better Business Forum (BBBF) and has authored several papers for various donor and multilateral organizations and think tanks on diverse topics such as Private Sector Development, Regional Integration and Connectivity, Doing Business Index, Right To Information (RTI) Act and its effective implementation and Quality of Private University Education in Bangladesh, Trade issues for Bangladesh in WTO, etc. He is also part of the Transformative Change Maker (TCM) Network tasked with identifying Future trends and directions of the Bangladeshi Economy in the 21st Century, organized collectively by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES).
Mr. Abbasi frequently participates as an expert discussant in TV Talk shows on International relations, Geostrategic issues as well as trade and macroeconomic related themes on National TV.