Habib Zafarullah
Editor in Chief

Habib Zafarullah obtained his PhD in Public Administration from the University of Sydney, Australia in 1986. He retired from active teaching in 2016 after serving for over 40 years at the University of Dhaka and the University of New England (UNE), Australia. He is currently an adjunct professor of Sociology at UNE and is also affiliated with Macquarie University, also in Australia. He was professor and chair in the Department of Pulic Administration, University of Dhaka and the Director of the Public Policy Program at UNE. His areas of academic interest are: democratic governance, comparative bureaucracy, public policy, public administration, and international development.
Dr Zafarullah has published extensively in these areas. Some of his recent books include: Colonial Bureaucracies (2014, Universal), Managing Development in a Globalized World (2012, Taylor&Francis), International Development Governance (2006, Taylor&Francis) and The Bureaucratic Ascendancy (2006, South Asia). Apart from these, he has published six other books, 36 book chapters and 47 refereed articles. He was the editor of Politics, Administration and Change, an international social science journal, for 25 years and regional editor of Development Policy Newsletter (Policy Studies Organization, USA). He is on the editorial board of and manuscript reviewer for several journals and publishers, including Routledge, Springer and Palgrave-Macmillan.